You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users on PolyPartners©. We do not conduct criminal background checks on user accounts, nor can we ever guarantee another users’ conduct. We greatly recommend adhering to our Abuse Policy and report any instances you believe violate it.
Where a matter of abuse is concerned we will investigate all complaints filed for behavior ON OUR PLATFORM. Abusive behavior outside of our platform should be addressed with your local authorities if you believe your safety has been compromised. Criminal activity will be reported to the offending users local authorities. The course of our initial investigation may include the use of public records to ensure the offender Is not listed on any national sex offender registry.
At Poly Partners© we believe all users on our platform should be able to have a respectful, pleasant presence and enjoy the conversation and interactions with others, free of bullying, terror tactics and scammers.
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults, and will probably continue if no action is taken.

While the bullying definition is broad and can occur in a variety of environments it usually is a relationship problem and requires relationship-based solutions.
single episodes of social rejection or dislike
single episode acts of nastiness or spite
random acts of aggression or intimidation
mutual arguments, disagreements or fights.
These actions can cause great distress. However, they do not fit the definition of bullying, and they’re not examples of bullying unless someone is deliberately and repeatedly doing them.
For additional information on Bullying please visit
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when either:
The conduct is made as a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, living environment or participation in a community.

The acceptance or refusal of such conduct is used as the basis or a factor in decisions affecting an individual’s employment, education, living environment, or participation in a community.
The conduct unreasonably impacts an individual’s employment or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment for that individual’s employment, education, living environment, or participation in a community.
Sexual harassment is defined by law and includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances or other sexual conduct when (1) submission is either explicitly or implicitly a condition affecting daily living or employment decisions; (2) the behavior is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to create an intimidating, hostile or repugnant environment; or (3) the behavior persists despite objection by the person to whom the conduct is directed. PolyPartners© considers such behavior, whether physical or verbal, to be a breach of its standards of conduct and will seek to prevent such incidents and take corrective action when sexual harassment occurs within our platform.
We strongly urge the users of this platform to report anything they deem as suspicious activity of another user. Abuse is a very serious matter and any and all claims will be investigated. Users may expect to receive an initial response that their claim has been received and the review process of their report has begun.
Use of the platform for any purpose that is illegal.
Use of the platform for any harmful purpose.
Use of the platform for spam, solicit money from or defraud other users.
Use of the platform to impersonate any person or post any images of another person without his or her permission.
Use of the platform to bully, stalk, intimidate, assault, harass, mistreat or defame another user
Use of the platform to post any content that violates or infringes upon anyone’s rights, including rights to privacy, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or contract right.
Use of the platform to post any content that is hate speech, threatening, sexually explicit or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
Use of the platform to post any content that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual.
Use of the platform to solicit passwords for any purpose, or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users or disseminate another person’s personal information without their permission.
Use of the platform on another user’s account.
Use of the platform to create multiple disingenuous accounts.
In our best efforts to conduct a thorough investigation into abuse allegations, we can not take action without supporting evidence. Once you have made contact with us using our Contact Us page, a member of our team will reach out to you via the email address used to create your account. At that time you will be instructed to please include screen captures, video content or other supporting documentation to back up your report. Attach them to your email and also include the offenders username and profile photograph. The more documentation you are able to provide, the better!
Your every day life should take a priority over any dating platform, and this includes your personal security. Resources are available to you if you find yourself being sexually harassed, stalked, or if you realize you are in an abusive relationship. We plead for you to get to safety and use any resources at your disposal to be safe at all times.
Our Resources page found in Poly Ed may be of use to you or someone you love!