Highlighted plan features by description and/or sample pictures. This list may not include all available features, per plan.
Users can search for other members. Search by distance, zip codes (US, Canada, Mexico), cities and countries.

Advanced Search
Your profile drop down questions. All new profile questions are dynamically added to the Advanced Search area.

Saved Search
Anytime you create a search, you can save it as a name and come back to it for quicker searches of previous saved searches.

User Privacy
Users control their own Privacy Options to allow for Everyone or Friends Only. These are set for viewing profiles, photos, galleries, audio and video.

Enhanced Email
Users can now have an enhanced email inbox complete with compose, sent items and deleted items. Users can email directly from a users profile.

Upload Audio, Video, and Photos
Users can set their profile photos, galleries, audio and videos to private. When set to private, only those users that are in their Favorites list can view their private media.

Users can now comment on user profiles. Comments go to admin for approval and once approved they go to the user for approval.

Users can blog. This feature lets you write blogs and those blogs will appear on your profile. Admins have full control over the blogs and can remove spam blogs.

I Viewed
Users don’t have to worry about finding those profiles they have viewed. Simply click on “I Viewed” to get a list of all the profiles you have looked at. You can also see who’s viewing your profile. This is great to see who’s been checking you out.

Instant Messenger
In platform messenger service to communicate with other users who have mutually ‘liked’ each others’ profile.

Special Events
Each month we plan to feature a guest lecture or live stream event to help educate or demonstrate specific topics within the community.
Addon Purchases
The Basic and Medium plans have the ability to purchase a participation seat for special events. These events carry a separate charge from monthly billing.
Virtual Gifts
Make it exciting! Send other members virtual gifts by sending graphic presents to them that appear on their profile. Virtual gifts can be made to appear or hide on the members profile page.